chain snippets (insert the text of one snippet into another).

Full text snippet search using four different search modes.You can use keyboard shortcuts or abbreviations to paste the text (or run the script) without opening the search window. The text can be interactive, for example you can automatically insert the current time and date, ask for (basic) user input or make a selection from a list etc and finally it can also run a script. Lintalist allows you to store and (incrementally) search and edit texts in bundles and paste a selected text in your active program. Languages The program is Multi language: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese.Searchable interactive texts to copy and paste text, run scripts, using easily exchangeable bundles. Harmony Assistant can load and save in many formats (MIDI, WAV, AIFF, MP3, OGG, TAB, ABC, XML.). Harmony Assistant comes with its own embedded software synthesizer (SoftSynth), which provides high quality output on basic sound cards, even without any external MIDI device, and includes hundreds of different instruments. Score input can be performed through the mouse, computer keyboard or an external MIDI keyboard. The Engraver mode will make it look nice. Using the page mode, you will edit the score just as it will be printed on paper. Features: A wide range of music symbols will enable scores of great quality to be edited: notation capabilities are immense. Its full page edit and engraver modes will ease editing and page setup of your scores. Its harmonizing capabilities enable the composer to build quickly and efficiently tunes that include accompaniment, multiple instruments and drum patterns. P2P | 07.2023 | 104 MB Harmony Assistant is an unbeatable software for computer-assisted music composition and editing.